The cross-sectional area of the bar 1 of the two bars supported on the left and right sides is 12. Z x BH2. Determine The Moment Of Inertia Of The Shaded Area About The X Axis Youtube Duration - Some crewmembers may experience spatial disorientation for the first 2 to 4 days of a mission. . Second Moment of Area. To determine the moment of inertia of the given beam section about the neutral axis and the question_answer Q. In engineering mechanics the value of the moment of inertia is calculated for determining stress. The shaded area shown in Figure 150 by the distance from its centroid to the centroid for the whole section. The conditions that determine the likelihood and intensity of this disorientation are not well understood. This turbulent wake exhibits increased moisture. This percentage depends on the offset distance and the subjects moment of inertia. Enter the email address you signed up with and ...